Reviews by nicko9
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87 reviews/ratings - 5 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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The 1940s House (2001)
My Movie Rating:

2,000 Acres of Sky (2000-2002)
My Movie Rating:

3 Ninjas (1992)
My Movie Rating:

3 Ninjas Knuckle Up (1993)
i great film lots of kick ass action
My Movie Rating:

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
A really good film, Haley Joel Osment is really good in it, but the film was a bit to long for me, other than that it was great.

About a Boy (2002)
i really good film
My Movie Rating:

Angela's Ashes (1999)
i brilliant film it brought tears to my eyes, i just love this film

Angels in the Outfield (1995)
My Movie Rating:

Anna and the King (1999)

Baby Bedlam (2000)
a very funny film
My Movie Rating:

Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
My Movie Rating:

Big Daddy (1999)
the sprouse twins were just great in this.

Billy Elliot (2000)

Bogus (1996)
a great film for the kids to watch.
My Movie Rating:

Bored Silly (2000)

The Borrowers (1997)
My Movie Rating:

Bugsy Malone (1976)
not my kind of film

Byker Grove (1989-2006)
My Movie Rating:

Casper (1995)
My Movie Rating:

Cats & Dogs (2001)
My Movie Rating:

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