Bored Silly
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
School?s out and three 8 year old boys have a whole summer to enjoy. They build a fort, have disastrous results at trying to acquire spending money, and spy on a spooky hermit.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Evan Gabriel
(Bobby) - Seth Fjersted
(Chuck) - Shaun Poremba
(Johnnie) - Phil Dawkins
(The Bully) - Caleb Remington
(Classroom Boy) - Bryan Dahm
(Classroom Boy) - Brian Moran
(Ice Cream Kid) - James Shallcross
(Ice Cream Kid) - Paul Shallcross
(Ice Cream Kid) - John Lag
(Ice Cream Kid) - Mark Visser
(Ice Cream Kid)
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I liked the way the film tries for a close-in look at the interactions of some very cute boys. This is almost what they used to call a "back-yard" film; many of the director's kids are here, as well as parents and relatives of a lot of the kid actors. Oh, and that junk collector is taken from life.
My Movie Rating:

Silly and full of plot holes, but charming and very cute.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 24th September 2020
Page Added: 15th February 2003
Page Views: 8314
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