Cats & Dogs
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
The cats and dogs of the world are engaged in a fierce and merciless battle against each other. Mr. Tinkles, a ruthless cat, is plotting to achieve world domination. He targets Professor Brody who is working on a vaccine to cure people from dog allergies. Mr. Tinkles intervenes with the intention of making all humans allergic to dogs. But Tinkles did not consider the problems little Lou, the Brody family's new puppy, would cause to his plans.
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I love Cats, and I love boy actors, the best of both worlds! who says you can't have your cake and eat it too?!
A very funny movie, enjoy every minute! especially Alexander!

Page Last Modified: 4th December 2007
Page Added: 12th April 2005
Page Views: 11265
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