The Borrowers
Country: USA
Genre: Fantasy
The Borrowers are four-inch high "little people" who live under the floorboards. When the owner of the house they live in dies and evil realtor Ocious Potter wants to destroy the house to build luxury apartments on its place, they start to fight him with the help of the son of house owner, Petey.

- John Goodman
- Jim Broadbent
- Celia Imrie
- Mark Williams
- Flora Newbigin
- Bradley Pierce
(Petey) - Tom Felton
(Peagreen Clock) - Raymond Pickard
(Spud Spiller)
BoyActors Reviews
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Agree with cal-Q-L8 and Bijou. Read the books instead!
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An example of how to take a charming fantasy and totally screw it up. The UK mini series was much superior to this slapstick mess.
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Page Last Modified: 12th September 2006
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 10910
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