Big Daddy
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Adam Sandler plays a 30 year old who, after his friend gets married and leaves him alone, begins looking for fulfillment. He decides to adopt a five year old boy, but ends up with a lot more than he bargained for.

- Adam Sandler
- Joey Lauren Adams
- Jon Stewart
- Cole Sprouse
(Julian McGrath) - Dylan Sprouse
(Julian McGrath) - Rob Schneider
- Joseph Bologna
- Steve Buscemi
- Cole Hawkins
BoyActors Reviews
18 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Loved the Sprouse twins in this very funny movie, they get an 8/10 just for their cuteness, the movie over all gets a 6/10 for funny, I will watch it any time it comes on tv. but, my personal favorite Sprouse twins movie, hands down, is "The Heart is Always Decietful"! and I WILL review that one too!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 19th July 2010
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 13733
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