Anna and the King
Country: USA
Genre: Romance
Anna Leonowens, an English schoolteacher comes to Siam in the 1860s with her young son Louis, to teach the children of King Mongkut. She becomes involved in his affairs, from the tragic plight of a young concubine to trying to forge an alliance with Britain to a war with Burma that is orchestrated by Britain. In the meantime, a subtle romance develops between them.
BoyActors Reviews
9 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Decent enough and worth a look if you want to see Tom Felton before his Draco Malfoy days.
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Yeah, a nice love story. I normally don't like the majority of tacky movies produced in this genre, but this one was okay. It had sincere acting and an unusual and thus interesting background.
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Page Last Modified: 7th September 2004
Page Added: 7th December 2001
Page Views: 12395
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