Reviews by Boymoviebuff
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30 reviews/ratings - 2 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
A must see for all Osment Fans! HJO was wonderful! he never blinks! literally!

Blind Fury (1989)
I can remember back when my older brother and I went to see film at theater, a man behind us a few rows made a comment about Rutger, how he carried Brandon in the last scenes of the movie.
I think they bother did wonder jobs with their roles

Central do Brasil (1998)
At least at one time, this movie was on YouTube for free viewing! I saw it from that site, I had a little trouble following the story because of the language barrier. but I loved the way the story played out, at the time I didn't understand fully that the woman had sold the boy to those clandestine people, but I could that something wasn't right with her actions in that point in the movie, the boy apparently figured out that she had done this and he reacted bitterly after she stole him back, but the he got past it and they became close friends. I thought the chemistry was strong between the two actors and was obvious to me they had become good friends through the course of the production of the movie.
I highly recommend this movie!

The Charmings (1987-1988)
If you get a chance to see this very 'Charming'! show, it's well worth a look just for the two boys! the entire cast was wonderful! my favorite of the adults was Paul Winfield! as the Magic Mirror!

The Cold Lands (2013)
It was a good movie, I liked Yelich's part, he seem almost sincere with the role. he was the only good thing about the movie, he, in my opinion, carried the whole movie.
My Movie Rating:

The Day After (1983)
This was at that point in the 1980's one of only a few movies that where there. I had nightmares for weeks after seeing this movie.

Európa messze van (1995)
I'm going on bowsers recommendation if he says it's a good movie, that's good enough for me!

Go Toward the Light (1988)
great movie, but is very hard to watch for me. he was the first child to die of aids in America, if my memory is accurate.

The Golden Compass (2007)
For all Charlie Rowe Fans, this movie is I think one of his best performances I always thought he wasn't just another pretty face! he IS a very talented actor!

Little Sir Nicholas (1990)
It seems to be a close similarity to Little Lord Fauntleroy, but the boys are very cute and I'd watch it just to see them!
My Movie Rating:

Lord of the Flies (1963)
I like both of the movies about this story, which is rare for me because I don't like remakes! this movie is of course, the best of the 2! after seeing this movie for the umpteen millionth time! I finally spotted and recognized Nicholas Hammond! he later played Spider-Man in a TV series that I saw as a teen!
This movie for me is an ultimate boy movie, it has everything I want and look for when watching boy movies!
I highly recommend it to any boy movie buff!

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
My favorite Mad Max movie! Emil was wonderful as Feral Boy! even though he had no dialog, he made a big impression on me. I've always liked the Mad Max series, but this one is hands down my favorite!

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007)
My Movie Rating:

My Magic Dog (1997)
Not necessarily a must see, but not a don't bother either! Bryon is very cute in this film, too bad it was the only thing he did.
My Movie Rating:

The New Lassie (1989-1991)
I'm giving this show a 5 because I unfortunately I had to work the night is was on TV, and back then VCR's were very expensive, and I'll didn't make enough to afford one, I'd love to find the show on DVD now, Will was a crush of mine for years. And I'm glad he's doing well in Hollywood today.

Novecento (1976)
This review is for Part 1:
I thought Roberto and Paolo had very good interaction, they seemed to have become good friends off camera, because they seemed very comfortable with each other, especially in the barn scenes, After reading Benjamin's review, I chose not to watch the 2nd disk, unless maybe there might be Special Feat.s on it, I'd watch those, but I will not willingly subject myself to movie gore and violence anymore! I was glad to see that the movie started with the boys and wasn't in a retrospect, with the adult of one of the characters telling story of his childhood. I did see enough of DeNiro's scenes to tell that he spoke his lines in English, and I did notice that some of the actors were speaking there's in there own language, in one scene one actor was speaking in English and the other was speaking, I believe, Italian, but it had been Dubbed to English, because their lips were off track with the words being uttered! Like a Japanese fight movie! ;)
All funning aside, I liked this movie as far as the boys went, but stopped after they were done, so I didn't have to watch the violence. So my rating for Roberto and Paolo's scenes is a 9.5!

The Paper Brigade (1996)
A cute movie, from what I remember! But then and now, I could take it or leave it.
the only kid I immediately recognized was Chauncey, because I had already seen The Sandlot by then.
My Movie Rating:

Pete's Dragon (2016)
As some of my fellow BA members know, I'm not much for Remakes! but this movie holds it's own with me, I was instantly smitten with Oaks Fegley! even with the long hair! I thought he did a wonderful job in the role. This movie will tug at the ole heartstrings a little, I will have to watch the original again, it's been many years since I last saw it.
This movie is a Must See for all Fegley Fans!

Prince Brat and the Whipping Boy (1994)
I've seen this well acted movie many times, but didn't realize until just now, that I had never wrote a review for it. Truan was wonderful, and SO cute doing it! I am surprised he didn't do more than he did as an actor.
A great story, played out by a wonderful cast, a must see!

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
I have been a big fan of Will's since the Fresh prince series, and I've always felt that 2nd generation actors are at the least, very good at their craft, because they learned first hand watching and going to work with actor Dad, or mom! Will and Jaden were wonderful in the film, It was very easy to see the depth of love the two have for each other, and it came out very strong in the characters they played!
I recommend this movie to all boy actor movie fans.

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