Central do Brasil
AKA: Central Station
Country: Brazil
Genre: Drama
Elderly Dora works at a Rio de Janeiro central station, writing letters for illiterate people. She looks after Josu?, a young boy who's mother has just died in a car accident and takes him with her on a journey to find his father.
- Brazil's entry for 1999 foreign language Oscar
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At least at one time, this movie was on YouTube for free viewing! I saw it from that site, I had a little trouble following the story because of the language barrier. but I loved the way the story played out, at the time I didn't understand fully that the woman had sold the boy to those clandestine people, but I could that something wasn't right with her actions in that point in the movie, the boy apparently figured out that she had done this and he reacted bitterly after she stole him back, but the he got past it and they became close friends. I thought the chemistry was strong between the two actors and was obvious to me they had become good friends through the course of the production of the movie.
I highly recommend this movie!

Page Last Modified: 10th July 2022
Page Added: 1st May 2002
Page Views: 13543
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