The Paper Brigade
Country: USA
Genre: Family Comedy
Teenage Gunther moves to a small town with his parents and little brother. He meets up with a group of overly charitable paper boys who want him to sub for their friend while he's out of town. Gunther agrees so he can get enough money for a date, all the while dealing with bullies whose leader would like to date the same girl.

- Kyle Howard [ALUMNUS]
- Robert Englund
- Travis Wester
- Chauncey Leopardi
(Charlie) - Ethan Glazer
(Andrew) - Matthew Ness
(Fish) - Matthew Best
(Gus) - Michael 'Mikey' Peterson
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A cute movie, from what I remember! But then and now, I could take it or leave it.
the only kid I immediately recognized was Chauncey, because I had already seen The Sandlot by then.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 25th August 2013
Page Added: 4th June 2013
Page Views: 7841
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