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Allen Hoskins

Date of Birth: 9th August 1920
Details of Death: 26th July 1980
Country of Birth: USA



Allen Clayton Hoskins - or 'Farina' as he was known from his role in the 'Our Gang' shorts (Farina is a form of milled wheat used as a breakfast cereal) - was a particular favourite of Hal Roach, and he was one of only three Gang members to be retained after the arrival of sound (the other two being Mary Ann Jackson and 'Wheezer' Hutchins). At first, he wore a dress in his films, leading audiences to assume that he was a girl. After a year or two, however, the dress was jettisoned and he became recognisably masculine. As with all Hal Roach's Rascals, he eventually outgrew his role. After serving his country in World War Two, Hoskins was interrogated by the House Un-American Activities Committee because, as a teenager, he had attended dances sponsored by the Young Communist League and the Socialist Workers Party. As a result, the Committee confiscated his passport, and Hoskins was blacklisted. He took this stoically, however, since by this time he wasn't having any success getting jobs in Hollywood anyway. In subsequent years, he would struggle through menial jobs of one kind or another, before finally pursuing a career working with handicapped kids.

Picture for Allen Hoskins


Roles when Allen Hoskins was older than 15

Guest Appearances

Page Last Modified: 31st May 2021
Page Added: 23rd September 2017

Page Views: 5956

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