Shivering Shakespeare
Short Film
Country: USA
Mrs. Kennedy brings culture to the community by presenting a theatrical version of "Quo Vadis" featuring the young members of the Golden Age Dramatic League. Unfortunately for her, the kids haven't bothered to learn their lines properly, and must improvise as best they can. The play goes from bad to worse when some neighbourhood kids start a pie fight.
- The 95th 'Our Gang' to be released

- Jackie Cooper
(Jackie) - Allen Hoskins
(Farina/Farinacus) - Norman Chaney
(Chubby/Nero) - Mary Ann Jackson
- Bobby Hutchins
(Wheezer) - Donald Haines
(Donny) - Edith Fellows
- Gordon Thorpe
- Douglas Greer
- Johnny Aber
- Georgie Billings
- Bobby Mallon
- Jerry McGowan
- Malcolm Sebastian
- Buster Slaven
Page Last Modified: 24th December 2023
Page Added: 22nd September 2017
Page Views: 3635
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