Fly My Kite
Short Film
Country: USA
Genre: Family Comedy
Grandma, the Rascals' sweet old neighbor lady, is being victimized by her scoundrel of a son-in-law. He wants to seize her property & put her in the county poor house. Most of all, he wants her suddenly very valuable corporate shares, which she believes are worthless. Using them as weights, she ties the bonds to the tail of Chubby's kite. When the wicked wastrel tries to steal the kite, the Rascals & Grandma teach him a painful lesson he won't soon forget.

- Matthew Beard Jr.
(Stymie) - Norman Chaney [ALUMNUS]
- Dorothy DeBorba
- Allen Hoskins
(Farina) - Bobby Hutchins
(Wheezer) - Dickie Jackson
(Dickie) - George Ernest
- Mary Ann Jackson
- Margaret Mann
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

The comedy films from this era can't be compared to today's films. They were rather unsophisticated and the acting was often unnatural and exaggerated, but for anyone interested in film history they are a must see. My ratings for these films are done with the time period taken heavily into favour. This is the first colourised 'Our Gang' short I've seen and I found it to be quite welcome, adding an extra touch of warmth.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 31st May 2021
Page Added: 18th April 2007
Page Views: 5431
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