Too Many Parents
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
A story of boys who are sent to military school in order to get them out of the way of their too-busy-to-bother parents or guardians.

- Frances Farmer
- Lester Matthews
- Billy Lee
(Billy Miller) - George Ernest
(Phillip Stewart) - Sherwood Bailey
(Clarence Talbot Jr.) - Douglas Scott
(Morton Downing) - Porter Hall
- Henry Travers
- Buster Phelps
(Clinton Meadows) - Carl Switzer
(Kid Singer) - Billy Butts [ALUMNUS]
- Elwyn Hoffman
(Cadet) - Milton Jeffs
(Schoolboy Messenger) - Hollis Jewell
(Cadet) - Bradley Metcalfe
(Cadet Williams) - Gene Reynolds
(Cadet) - Harold Switzer
(Boy Guitar Player) - Jerry Tucker
(Mike) - Lee Van Atta
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Page Last Modified: 9th January 2023
Page Added: 9th January 2023
Page Views: 1551
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