- Behold My Wife (1934)
- Mike Fright (1934)
- Wagon Wheels (1934)
- One Hour Late (1935)
- Silk Hat Kid (1935) (as Tommy)
- Two-Fisted (1935)
- And Sudden Death (1936)
- Arizona Mahoney (1936)
- Big Broadcast of 1937 (1936)
- Easy to Take (1936)
- Rose Bowl (1936)
- Sky Parade (1936)
- Three Cheers for Love (1936)
- Too Many Parents (1936) (as Billy Miller)
- Cinema Circus (1937)
- Exclusive (1937)
- Make a Wish (1937) (as Pee Wee)
- Thunder Trail (1937)
- Wild Money (1937)
- Cocoanut Grove (1938)
- Say It in French (1938)
- Sons of the Legion (1938) (as Billy Lee)
- All Women Have Secrets (1939)
- Ambush (1939)
- Boy Trouble (1939) (as Joe)
- Coast Guard (1939)
- In Old Monterey (1939)
- Jeepers Creepers (1939)
- Let Us Live! (1939)
- Night Work (1939) (as Joe Fitch)
- Sudden Money (1939)
- The Biscuit Eater (1940) (as Lonnie)
- Nobody's Children (1940) (as Tommy)
- Parole Fixer (1940)
- Hold Back the Dawn (1941)
- Nevada City (1941)
- Power Dive (1941)
- Reg'lar Fellers (1941) (as Pinhead Duffy)
- Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1942)
- Road to Happiness (1942) (as Danny Carter)
- War Dogs (1942) (as Billy Freeman)
- Eyes of the Underworld (1943)
Page Last Modified: 4th June 2023
Page Added: 16th February 2003
Page Views: 10773
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