Carl Switzer
Date of Birth: 7th August 1927
Details of Death: 21st January 1959 (Shot and killed over a $50 debt)
Country of Birth: USA
- Best know for his role as Alfalfa in the "Our Gang" series.
- In adult life he had brushes with the law, two broken marriages and little film work. At the age of 31 he met a violent death. Years later his brother, actor Harold Switzer, killed his girlfriend and himself.

- Beginner's Luck (1935)
- Life Hesitates at 40 (1935)
- Little Papa (1935)
- Little Sinner (1935)
- Southern Exposure (1935)
- Sprucin' Up (1935)
- Teacher's Beau (1935)
- Arbor Day (1936)
- Bored of Education (1936)
- Divot Diggers (1936)
- Easy to Take (1936)
- General Spanky (1936) (as Alfalfa)
- Kelly the Second (1936)
- Lucky Corner, The (1936)
- Pay As You Exit (1936)
- Pinch Singer, The (1936)
- Second Childhood (1936)
- Spooky Hooky (1936)
- Too Many Parents (1936) (as Kid Singer)
- Two Too Young (1936)
- Fishy Tales (1937)
- Framing Youth (1937)
- Glove Taps (1937)
- Hearts Are Thumps (1937)
- Mail and Female (1937)
- Night 'n Gales (1937)
- Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937) (as Alfalfa)
- Pick a Star (1937)
- Pigskin Palooka, The (1937)
- Reunion in Rhythm (1937)
- Roamin' Holiday (1937)
- Rushin' Ballet (1937)
- Three Smart Boys (1937)
- Wild and Woolly (1937)
- Aladdin's Lantern (1938)
- The Awful Tooth (1938) (as Alfalfa)
- Bear Facts (1938)
- Came the Brawn (1938) (as Alfalfa)
- Canned Fishing (1938)
- Feed 'em and Weep (1938)
- Football Romeo (1938)
- Hide and Shriek (1938)
- Little Ranger, The (1938)
- Men in Fright (1938)
- Party Fever (1938)
- Practical Jokers (1938)
- Scandal Street (1938)
- Three Men in a Tub (1938)
- Alfalfa's Aunt (1939) (as Alfalfa)
- Auto Antics (1939)
- Captain Spanky's Show Boat (1939)
- Clown Princes (1939) (as Alfalfa)
- Cousin Wilbur (1939) (as Alfalfa)
- Dad for a Day (1939) (as Alfalfa)
- Dog Daze (1939) (as Alfalfa)
- Duel Personalities (1939)
- Ice Follies of 1939 (1939)
- Joy Scouts (1939)
- Time Out for Lessons (1939)
- Tiny Troubles (1939) (as Alfalfa)
- Alfalfa's Double (1940) (as Alfalfa/Cornelius)
- All About Hash (1940)
- Barnyard Follies (1940)
- The Big Premiere (1940) (as Alfalfa)
- Bubbling Troubles (1940) (as Alfalfa)
- Goin' Fishin' (1940)
- Good Bad Boys (1940)
- I Love You Again (1940)
- Kiddie Kure (1940)
- New Pupil, The (1940)
- Waldo's Last Stand (1940)
- Reg'lar Fellers (1941) (as Bump Hudson)
- Henry and Dizzy (1942)
- Johnny Doughboy (1942)
- Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1942)
- My Favorite Blonde (1942)
- There's One Born Every Minute (1942)
- War Against Mrs. Hadley (1942)
- Dixie (1943)
- The Human Comedy (1943) (as Auggie)
- Shantytown (1943)
Roles when Carl Switzer was older than 15
- The Great Mike (1944) (as Speck)
- The Little Rascals (1955) (as Alfalfa 1935-1940)
Page Last Modified: 13th February 2025
Page Added: 28th January 2003
Page Views: 12195
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