Reviews by Phenom
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20 reviews/ratings

August Rush (2007)
I also loved the movie. Yes, the story line may seem a bit improbable or the writer may seem prone to "flights of fancy." However, movies were not originally meant to either mimic or represent reality. Rather they were meant to be an escape from reality and to appeal to the "flights of fancy" in all of us. As always a superb performance from Freddie Highmore who I consider one of the greatest child actors of this generation.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)
I second that motion Swede. My sentiments exactly. Definitely see this film and see it with your kids as they are going to be the next leaders of the world and it is up to them to see to it that this sad chapter of human history is never allowed to repeat itself.

Bridge to Terabithia (2007)
It is a very touching story about first love, first loss, and dealing with death as a child. Great special EFX. A very genuine performance by Josh Hutcherson.
My Movie Rating:

Dog Days of Summer (2007)
A very well made mystery movie by a new director and crew fresh out of school. Devon and Colin turn in compelling performances.
My Movie Rating:

Dog Gone (2008)
My Movie Rating:

A Dog of Flanders (1999)

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991)
It was okay but just okay. R.I.P. Christopher Pettiet! Another tragic loss of a beautiful young sole to the scourge of drugs and Hollywood.
My Movie Rating:

Five Children and It (2004)

Forever Young (1992)
Loved it! I agree, everything Elijah does turns to Gold. He can act opposite the most seasoned of actors effortlessly and keep up with the best of them. And he is such a cutie.

Gooby (2009)
My Movie Rating:

Jet Boy (2001)
A very compelling and moving story. First rate performance by Branden Nadon. A must have for anyone's collection.

L.I.E. (2001)
Great flick. Well written story and the subject matter was handled professionally and sensitively. Excellent acting by newcomer Paul Franklin Dano and veteran Brian Cox.

Mickey (2002)
Great flick if you love Little League Baseball. Very well acted by newcomer Shawn Salinas in his only film. Shawn and the other boy stars of this movie are real little league ball players and quite good ones I understand.
My Movie Rating:

The Mummy Returns (2001)
My Movie Rating:

A Plumm Summer (2007)
My Movie Rating:

Ready? OK! (2008)
My Movie Rating:

Russkies (1987)
My Movie Rating:

Secret of the Cave (2006)
The movie is a bit slow for some or maybe the word is homey but none the less a good movie. Kevin Novotny is a pretty decent up coming young actor and very handsome. I've owned this movie for a couple of years.
My Movie Rating:

Son of Rambow (2007)
Well done old chap!

The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008)
A pretty entertaining movie. Some may not consider it Freddie's best work. However, one must also take into consideration the degree of difficulty in performing a convincing dual-role. That being said, I found his performance(s) to be first rate.

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