Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Howie is a sensitive fifteen-year-old who hangs out with a rough crowd. The recent death of his mother and his father's indifference to it, have left him floating in a world of sex, violence, and danger.

- Paul Franklin Dano
- Brian Cox
- Bruce Altman
- Billy Kay
(Gary) - Walter Masterson
- Tony Donnelly
(Brian) - James Costa
(Kevin Cole) - Emilio Cuesta
(Howie age 5)
BoyActors Reviews
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A fine movie made all the better because it deals with the controversial subject of man/boy love. Paul Dano and Brian Cox are superb in their respective parts although, of course, the 'nasty' boylover has to die in the end ... [groan]
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 10th May 2002
Page Views: 16638
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