Bridge to Terabithia
Country: USA
Genre: Family Adventure
Fifth grader Jesse Aarons' hopes of becoming the fastest runner in his class are dashed when new girl Leslie Burke outruns everybody, including him. However, Jesse and Leslie soon begin a friendship and create a magical kingdom in the forest, where the two of them reign together as king and queen.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Josh Hutcherson
(Jesse Aaron) - AnnaSophia Robb
- Zooey Deschanel
- Robert Patrick
- Bailee Madison
- Cameron Wakefield
(Scott Hoager) - Elliot Lawless
(Gary Fulcher) - Hudson Mills
(Willard Hughes)
BoyActors Reviews
15 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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An OK adaptation of a wonderful book. I didn't really care for the CGI sequences that show us what the kids are imagining. Josh Hutcherson, however, elevates the film with his excellent acting.
My Movie Rating:

The book series was amazing and the film brought everything to life. I thought the cast did good and everything was so colorful. I thought the storyline was fantastic as connected to the book, but the film brought everything to life.

Page Last Modified: 27th May 2013
Page Added: 16th December 2006
Page Views: 6038
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