Reviews by marcoilbos
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25 reviews/ratings - 2 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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10½ (2010)
My 10 mark is due especially to the intense, extraordinary and convincing interpretation of the young Robert Naylor as the protagonist. A boy's interpretation of this level is rarely seen, the story is in some way chilling, referred to what he had to go through, to then be the young man he has become. Film without a doubt to see. I remember that they awarded many prizes in various film exhibitions to the protafgonista for their demonstrated skill.

12 and Holding (2005)
Intriguing and surprising film. Conor Donowan was very good at playing the role that was assigned to him. The story tells in an exhaustive way how and what a brother can do after an irreparable event, hatching and processing to perfection.... I let you see it, because it deserves it. The score of 9, in my opinion, is perfect.

Abel (2010)
Great beautiful film, the director tells the events of this story, with an unusual delicacy, then the little protagonist was more than good at his interpretation, in the end he moved me. To look at absolutely.

Alone with Mr. Carter (2011)
Interesting interpretation, in a story of the discovery of one's own intimate. What is certain is that a good morning starts in the morning.
My Movie Rating:

Color Out of Space (2019)
If you like horror movies, this is for you. Interesting, somewhat unusual story, with good actors in their role. Definitely worth seeing.

La corsa dell'innocente (1992)
Seen some time ago and I liked it.
My Movie Rating:

Ellos Volvieron (2015)
It is a film that has a certain style, which I personally admire a lot, being a fan of director Ivan Noel myself, and this film in particular, has a plot and actors, albeit young, who capture the viewer to the end, when it will reveal itself, letting itself be fully understood the history of the film. I was fascinated and enthusiastic about it. For this I gave 10/10 as a vote. I recommend the vision to fully understand what I am talking about (writing).

Flight of the Navigator (1986)
A true cult. I will have seen and reviewed it at least ten times and has always satisfied me. I consider it one of the most successful science fiction films for children ever. Bravo the young Joey Cramer in his interpretation. The story is for children, light and with a happy ending. Ten as a vote is because I never get tired of looking at it.

Fourmi (2019)
Film about the unconditional love of a son in the troubles of the father full of problems starting with alcohol. The boy plays his role in an acceptable way. The direction is normal.
My Movie Rating:

Free Willy (1993)
My Movie Rating:

Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995)
My Movie Rating:

Free Willy 3: The Rescue (1997)
My Movie Rating:

Gayby Baby (2015)
Extraordinary documentary. It made me understand how and what a child thinks and does with parents who think differently. Good looking.

Gente de bien (2014)
Very well made film. in a cross-section of life he manages to provide elements through which one understands the difficulties of a family certainly not in a good state. Emotions are not lacking.

Getting Even with Dad (1994)
Light and unpretentious film. Certainly not the best Culkin but watchable.
My Movie Rating:

The Good Son (1993)
Compared to Home Alone it is a completely different actor. Bravo, serious and convincing. Eljan Wood also does his part. Film without a doubt to see.

The Goonies (1985)
What to write about the Goonies that you don't already know? Nothing!!! It must absolutely be seen.

Gremlins (1984)
Cute movie. It lets itself be looked at and is good for spending time having fun. Nice effects and unpretentious history.

Gretel & Hansel (2020)
I saw it believing it was the usual horror film, instead it is a story told from the point of view of the young protagonist. I really enjoyed myself despite the gloomy air. All actors as good as directing.

La Guerra di Mario (2005)
Mario is a child who grew up in a little reassuring environment and for this reason it must be understood. We cannot expect him to understand, we must understand him. Very interesting story and told very well. I got excited.

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