Getting Even with Dad
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Ray Gleason just committed the perfect crime, but it took one small thing to screw it up ? a visit from his son. Because after a lifetime of being ignored, Timmy is getting even!

- Macaulay Culkin
(Timmy) - Ted Danson
- Glenne Headly
- Saul Rubinek
- Gailard Sartain
- Seth Smith
(Boy In Bathroom) - Sam Horrigan
(Boy On Subway)
BoyActors Reviews
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An interesting and funny movie with Macaulay Culkin excellent as the know-all Timmy who busts in on his Dad's crime caper. Good support from Gailard Sartain and Saul Rubinek as the bumbling crooks. Lots of laughs with the occasional heartwarming relationship between father and son.
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Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9489
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Light and unpretentious film. Certainly not the best Culkin but watchable.
My Movie Rating: