The Good Son
Country: USA
Genre: Thriller
For Mark Evans, the loss of his mother is too much to bear. What Mark needs is friendship and companionship, so in a desperate bid to overcome his bereavement he is sent to stay with his cousin Henry. But Mark discovers to his horror that his cousin is hiding dark secrets and a wicked mind full of trouble. His idea of fun is both evil and deadly... so deadly that Mark soon finds himself hunted and on the run in a deadly cat and mouse game of horror.

- Macaulay Culkin
(Henry Evans) - Elijah Wood
(Mark Evans) - Wendy Crewson
- David Morse
- Quinn Culkin
- Rory Culkin
(Richard in Picture)
BoyActors Reviews
30 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Good to see a film with both Macaulay Culkin and Elijah Wood in it. As other members have referred, Elijah ran rings round Macaulay acting-wise. Quite suspenseful in parts but once Henry had caused that cars crash was the time for his pretty dumb parents to have him certified. When they were fighting I wanted the dad to put them in shorts and boxing gloves and get them out of all that frumpy clothing. Bit short at 83 minutes and - boo - no extras on the DVD.
My Movie Rating:

Compared to Home Alone it is a completely different actor. Bravo, serious and convincing. Eljan Wood also does his part. Film without a doubt to see.

Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 12698
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