12 and Holding
AKA: Twelve and Holding
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Rudy and Jacob Carges are twins in the Biblical mold of Jacob and Esau; where Rudy is a crusader, popular and proud, Jacob fades into the background. One summer night, Rudy is killed while defending a tree house from local bullies, and Jacob's world is summarily destroyed. The boys' friends, the precocious Malee and the soft-spoken, chubby Leonard, are also devastated, and as the year progresses, they each struggle to cope with Rudy's death, as well as their own brushes with adulthood.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Conor Donovan
(Rudy & Jacob Carges) - Zoe Weizenbaum
- Jeremy Renner
- Jesse Camacho
(Leonard Fisher) - Michael C. Fuchs
(Kenny) - Annabella Sciorra
- Jayne Atkinson
- Marcia DeBonis
- Bruce Altman
- Martin Campetta
(Jeff) - Joseph Foster
(Keith Gardner) - Mark Linn-Baker
- Michael A. Siravo IV
(Guitar Guy)
BoyActors Reviews
18 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Most recent review listed first

Intriguing and surprising film. Conor Donowan was very good at playing the role that was assigned to him. The story tells in an exhaustive way how and what a brother can do after an irreparable event, hatching and processing to perfection.... I let you see it, because it deserves it. The score of 9, in my opinion, is perfect.

A exelent movie.The story is very touching.

Page Last Modified: 27th July 2013
Page Added: 13th July 2006
Page Views: 17741
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