Reviews by Will
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43 reviews/ratings - 3 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)

...First Do No Harm (1997)
Seth was awesome in this movie. As was the rest of the cast. Tells a good story and in a great way. Thanks Seth!

3 Ninjas (1992)
A great kid movie! Not to bad for adults either :)
My Movie Rating:

3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)
Umm, not the best movie, but certaintly not the worst. Needless to say, I don't own it.
My Movie Rating:

Abeltje (1998)
Hard for me to know what was going on. The language barrier what the pits. But a lot of it was in English, so that made it better. All in all, a good movie that was pretty fun to watch.
My Movie Rating:

Akademia pana Kleksa (1984)
Loved it! There was never a dull moment in the whole movie. I admit it was a little weird sometimes, but it is meant for kids afterall.
If you can snag a copy of this DVD, it's well worth it. With the English subtitles it makes it easy to know what's going on. Otherwise, you'd be lost.

The Baby of Macon (1993)
My Movie Rating:

Bad News Bears (2005)
My Movie Rating:

The Champ (1979)
My Movie Rating:

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Exciting, action packed and great acting. Couldn't ask for more.
My Movie Rating:

A Cool, Dry Place (1998)
Great movie! It's on Region 1 DVD now also! :)

The Cure (1995)

La Discesa di Aclà a Floristella (1992)
Tough to watch. This movie is not for the meak hearted ones. I didn't enjoy it at all. But of course it's not a movie that's meant to be enjoyed. I'm glad I watched it, but I probably will never watch it again.
My Movie Rating:

Edison: The Wizard of Light (1998)
I loved this movie! Michal did such an awesome job! I'm glad he got nominated for an Emmy for his role in the movie.

Eva & Adam - fyra födelsedagar och ett fiasko (2001)
My Movie Rating:

Good Boy! (2003)

Horse Crazy (2001)
Very cute movie. The kids did such a great job and you can tell they had fun making.
My Movie Rating:

How to Eat Fried Worms (2006)
My Movie Rating:

Italianetz (2005)
An incredibly awesome and powerful performance from little Kolya.

Jack & Bobby (2004-2005)
It started off interesting and original. But I started to loose interest in it after a while. It seemed to be well acted, but I have a hard time making a commitment to a TV show week after week. Get the story done and move onto the next one. Like CSI and Law and Order. Then I don't *have* to watch every week to know what's going on in each time I can tune in.
My Movie Rating:

Jibeuro (2002)
Great movie! Muust watch for anyone in the mood for an awesome, uplifting and simply wonderful movie!

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