Bad News Bears
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Morris Buttermaker, a former pro baseball player, was banned for attacking an umpire and now works as an exterminator. More interested in boozing and broads than baseball, he is lured back into the game by an attorney whose class action suit has forced the Little League to accept all players, regardless of their abilities. As the new coach of the Bears, the worst team in Little League history, Buttermaker has his work cut out for him. Initially, he's only in it for the paycheck, but he and his inept players have a transformative effect on one another.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Billy Bob Thornton
- Greg Kinnear
- Marcia Gay Harden
- Sammi Kraft
- Ridge Canipe
(Toby Whitewood) - Brandon Craggs
(Mike Engelberg) - Jeff Davies
(Kelly Leak) - Timmy Deters
(Tanner Boyle) - Carlos Estrada
(Miguel Agilar) - Emmanuel Estrada
(Jose Agilar) - Troy Gentile
(Matthew Hooper) - K.C. Harris
(Ahmad Abdul Rahim) - Aman Johal
(Prem Lahiri) - Tyler Patrick Jones
(Timothy Lupus) - Jeffrey Tedmori
(Garo Daragebrigadian) - Carter Jenkins
(Joey Bullock) - Seth Adkins
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I didn't care that much for this "Remake" I don't think it even starts to compare to the original! I thought Billy Bob did well, but I he didn't compare to Walter M. I didn't even like any of the sequels to the first movie, I don't plan to see this movie again.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 19th October 2014
Page Added: 22nd July 2005
Page Views: 11486
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