...First Do No Harm
TV Movie
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
When Lori learns that her young son Robbie has epilepsy, she first trusts the judgment of the hospital staff in how best to bring it under control. However, Robbie's health worsens so she decides to try an alternative treatment called the Ketogenic Diet, but the hospital threatens legal action to prevent her from removing Robbie from the hospital.
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BoyActors Reviews
9 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Heavy-handed treatment that doesn't allow enough shades of grey. There are better ways of pointing out problems with the medical-pharmaceutical establishment than with films like this. How about evidence and cogent arguments, rather than melodramatics? I can't but praise Seth Adkins's acting, however.
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I thought this film was a good film to watch, it was a heartfelt film.
I thought the acting was good and the storyline was good,
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Page Last Modified: 7th March 2012
Page Added: 24th January 2004
Page Views: 10895
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