La Discesa di Aclà a Floristella
AKA: Acla
Country: Italy
Genre: Drama
In 1930's Italy, eleven year old Acla is sold by his parents to a miner, forced to work in a dark labyrinth full of men who enjoy beating boys and using them for their sexual pleasure. A very realistic depiction of life before child labor laws which is based on fact.
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- Francesco Cusimano
(Acla) - Tony Sperandeo
- Luigi Maria Burruano
- Lucia Sardo
- Giovanni Alamia
- Giuseppe Cusimano
(Maurizio Rizzuto)
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Page Last Modified: 13th July 2024
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 31326
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When I first saw this film I was horrified that such practises were as recent as the 1930s. I suppose that such practises are still alive and well, unfortunately, in the world. The power of the rich and the power of the Church in contrast with abject powerlessness of the ordinary people. Quality of the film I saw wasn't great.
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