Reviews by Cinefan
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287 reviews/ratings - 15 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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Martian Child (2007)
A good film with wonderful acting from a very young Bobby Coleman. Although improbable, you always have the sneaking question whether David is a Martian child or not? Some interesting extras on the DVD, too.
My Movie Rating:

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
All swashbuckling and lots of action but amongst all the cannon fire and somewhat overdone British sailors comradeship, Max Pirkis as Midshipman Blakeney stood out. Blond and outstandingly good looking he was every captain's cabin boy dream though, in his case, of higher rank. There were a few other boys who made brief appearances in this film including a quick shot of a boy on the French ship.
My Movie Rating:

Matching Jack (2010)
A heart rending movie of two boys suffering from leukaemia so it's a case of out with the paper hankies. Kodi Smit-McPhee gives a great performance as the dying boy, Finn, and with obvious help from the make-up department, looks ghastly ill. Tom Russell plays Jack where he meets Finn when they share a room in the hospital. Kodi is marvellous in his part which requires some quite emotional acting. At only 83 minutes long the film is rather short on character development but all the tragedy is there of having to watch your child dying slowly from a terrible disease. There are funny moments in the film that lighten the sombre plot somewhat. One or two inconsistences occur like the father being allowed to make his son's hospital bed into a pirate ship. Also taking his son out of hospital into the freezing cabin he has by the bay. I got the sneaking feeling there was a little too much about finding a cure for Jack while poor Finn was simply allowed to fade away.
My Movie Rating:

Meatballs (1979)
Lots of American brash humour which didn't always come off and slightly disjointed scenes. Chris Makepeace was good not so much with his acting but how he looked in those white socks and shorts. Boys knew how to dress in the 70s. I like Bill Murray but he's been in better films.
My Movie Rating:

Mercury Rising (1998)
Lots of action but then you would expect that with Bruce Willis in the film. Miko played his part as the autistic boy very well.
My Movie Rating:

Michael (2011)
A powerful and dramatic movie that makes you feel uneasy due to its emotive and controversial theme. I would have given it a higher rating had it dealt with paedophilia in an understanding way instead of portraying Michael as a pretty cold character. It also loses out on the DVD's poor extras which consists of only an interview with the director and not a much needed interview with David Rauchenberger.
My Movie Rating:

Midnight Special (2015)
I saw this film on television and didn't think much of it. Jaeden's actual acting requirement was minimal and not very demanding. There was no back story as to who he actually was and how he got from one dimension to another, just lots of violence.
My Movie Rating:

The Mighty Celt (2005)
You could say this was simply a run-of-the-mill movie about a boy and his racing dog. In reality it is, but there are some heart warming moments mixed with a smattering of violence. Thank heavens for subtitles is all I can say so that I was able to decipher the broad Irish accents. Tyrone McKenna, who apparently isn't even listed on BA, plays his part well and the whole film is set among the Irish troubles and against the sweeping Irish countryside. Possibly the characters are a bit cardboard with the boy accepting 'O' - what name is that? - (Robert Carlyle) rather quickly as his long lost father with no questions asked. The kennel owner, Good Joe, a real baddy with no redeeming features. But it's light and fluffy so I can forgive the fact Tyrone isn't even interviewed directly on the DVD extras. Interesting to note that when the father engages his son in some friendly talk the boy asks if he's a 'bum bandit'. What a sign of the times!
My Movie Rating:

The Mighty Ducks (1992)
A typical Disney film run to a typical clockwork formula - the underdogs rising up to win in the dying seconds of the game. A game which is farcical to watch and, unfortunately, has the boys grossly overdressed. I agree the boys were cute BUT mainly on the Hawks team! Aaron Schwartz and Joshua Jackson stood out among the plain-janes and fatties. A poor film all round with a stone faced Emilio Estevez obviously not enjoying his part as the coach. Not a patch on the other losers-win-through, much funnier film 'Air Bud' with Kevin Zegers. The kids wore better gear, too, even if we had to put up with the damned dog.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)
A film that rests too much on sheer weirdness and special effects while the storyline comes a poor second. Asa Butterfield's American accent seemed unreal as though he had been dubbed by an older actor. A plot with great potential wasted.
My Movie Rating:

Mitt liv som hund (1985)
A Swedish classic with outstanding performance from Anton Glanzelius.
My Movie Rating:

A Monster Calls (2016)
If you want cheering up this is definitely not the movie for you. A dying mother, missing father, overbearing grandmother, weather that is either dull or never stops raining and bullying at school all combine to make poor Conor O'Malley's life just short of hell. Lewis MacDougall acts his socks off in this film showing all the painful emotions of a boy growing up and beset with these problems. If that isn't enough, a huge monster in the shape of a Yew tree with a very destructive bent blunders into his life. Words of wisdom fall like leaves from this monster while Conor has to face up to the terrible events going on around him. Great acting from Lewis, great photography too but a ray of sunshine provided by his father arriving from America penetrates the gloom of the story.
My Movie Rating:

Morte a Venezia (1971)
A wonderfully shot film with superb period detail and directed by Visconti at a leisurely pace. This is a classic boy film which should repose on the DVD shelf of any worthy collector. Bjorn Andresen is of course outstandingly beautiful most notably in the scenes where he's parading around the beach in his swimwear. I kept wondering when Dirk Bogarde's Aschenbach, the silly old coot, was going to say something to Tadzio. Let's face it, the boy was doing enough to give Aschenbach more than a nod and a wink! A lot of people complain of the film's slow pace but it didn't bother me. Apart from the two main actors, the other highlight of the film was when the singing quartet saunter among the hotel guests and serenade Tadzio who looks most elegant in his uniform. A fine film.
My Movie Rating:

Mostly Ghostly (2008)
Not one of the best boy movies.
My Movie Rating:

Motorama (1991)
BOY ACTOR OSCAR RATING. A film both comical and dark, full of weird characters all encountered by 10 year old Gus driving a car across a mythical United States. Gus is looking to collect cards from gas stations to make up the word Motorama and so win himself a million dollar prize. The whole film rests upon the shoulders of a relatively unknown boy actor, Jordan Christopher Michael. He rises to the occasion with great merit giving a cinematic performance worthy of a BA Oscar. His portrayal of Gus is simply marvellous allowing the character to experience all sorts of situations and make that portrayal believable. It is a great shame there are no DVD extras which meant no interview with this elusive boy actor.
Apart from this film I have only seen Jordan appear in a bit part in one of the 'Saved By The Bell' episodes.

Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007)
A light hearted romp with Mr Bean whose films I would normally avoid. However, on this occasion, Max Baldry was present and, despite Mr Bean's sometimes over-the-top face pulling, this was still a pleasant film to watch. Baldry was bouyant and engaging in his part as Stepan the boy who becomes lost from his father due to Mr Bean's dithering. Rowan Atkinson keeps up the funny moments and the scene where he holds the boy while miming to an operatic aria is most notable. The film is then nicely rounded off with a beach scene set to Charles Trenet's classic 'La Mer'.
I wonder if Max Baldry got the part because he comes from Russia originally and could speak the language?
My Movie Rating:

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007)
A good performance from Zack Mills as the young boy helping to run a magical toy store. I liked his relationship with the accountant (Jason Bateman) who ends up playing games in the boy's bedroom. Light hearted fluff that makes an easy watch.
My Movie Rating:

Mr. Rice's Secret (2000)
Nice acting from Bill Switzer and Richard de Klerk as the dying boy with cancer. How did David Bowie get involved with this? A film of sad emotion combined with a bit of the supernatural.
My Movie Rating:

Mud (2012)
A fine film with some good acting and good photography. As with most American teen boy movies, there has to be girl characters though in 'Mud' they were thankfully inconsequential. Tye Sheridan's acting was good but not good enough to warrant a BA Oscar nomination. He delivered his lines okay but possibly more facial expression might not have come amiss.
Had I been Mud I couldn't think of two better persons to come to my assistance on the island. Definitely most welcome. At least there was a featurette on its DVD when both Tye and Jacob Lofland were interviewed.
Yes, teenage boys can be caring.
My Movie Rating:

La Mugrosita (1982)
It is rare to see a boy film from Mexico and a musical one at that. This is a charming film in its own right even though my DVD has no subtitles so I had to guess at the plot as it went along. Pedrito Fernandez is wonderful as the poor boy who, every now and then, bursts into typical Mexican songs to woo his girlfriend. A pleasant film with amusing, humorous situations between the two rival gangs. Possibly a bit too much musical background on the soundtrack sometimes but overall 'La Mugrosita' is well worth watching.
My Movie Rating:

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