Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Summer Camp highjinks centered around a camp counselor with a wacky sense of humor. He tries to help the campers have a good time. One boy named Rudy poses a particular challenge...
- Bill Murray
- Harvey Atkin
- Kate Lynch
- Chris Makepeace
(Rudy) - Hadley Kay
BoyActors Reviews
12 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (7.00 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Lots of American brash humour which didn't always come off and slightly disjointed scenes. Chris Makepeace was good not so much with his acting but how he looked in those white socks and shorts. Boys knew how to dress in the 70s. I like Bill Murray but he's been in better films.
My Movie Rating: 5 / 10Lots of eye candy and a nice friendship between Bill Murray and the boy. The humor's not really my cup of tea, but it's a fun movie.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10LOTS OF BOYS!! in this treasured classic! my favorite part about the movie is the extremely short, Shorts some of the boys wear!:)) I've decided to tag this gem as a "Must Watch" because the boys are SO cute! and I've raised my rating grade to a 9/10 JUST for the boyability!
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10Page Last Modified: 28th April 2022
Page Added: 4th December 2002
Page Views: 12403
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