Morte a Venezia
AKA: Death in Venice
Country: Italy
Genre: Drama
In this adaptation of the Thomas Mann novel, avant-garde composer Gustave Aschenbach (loosely based on Gustav Mahler) travels to a Venetian seaside resort in search of repose after a period of artistic and personal stress. But he finds no peace there, for he soon develops an attraction to an adolescent boy, Tadzio, on vacation with his family. The boy embodies an ideal of beauty that Aschenbach has long sought and he becomes infatuated...
- Directed by Luchino Visconti
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I had high hopes when I ordered this film but was disappointed. I agree with others that it needed editing.
My Movie Rating:

A sad parable of repression.
I also found the film heavily padded and slow. I would have edited 25 minutes, easily. Any director unable to establish a scene or set a mood in less than five minutes is simply wasting film and boring audiences.
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Page Last Modified: 2nd April 2019
Page Added: 14th December 2002
Page Views: 16228
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