Reviews by Cinefan
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287 reviews/ratings - 15 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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12 and Holding (2005)
An unusual movie with a fine performance from relatively unknown boy actor, Conor Donovan, as the surviving twin with the strawberry birthmark. There are three plotlines of which Donovan, playing Jacob Carges, is the main one the other two rangeing from hilarious to implausible. It is not often a boy film ends in a twist which indicates the young hero is not what he seems and could become a psychotic monster. A great film which might have worked better if the main plotline had been enhanced. Unfortunately, no DVD extras which meant no interview with Conor. Boo.
My Movie Rating:

666: The Child (2006)
Obviously made on a shoestring budget, this film lacked taut direction and the tenseness of other horror boy movies. Boo Boo Stewart reminded me of Blake Woodruff in 'Whisper' but this only emphasised the superiority of Woodruff. Boo Boo didn't even equal that other boy actor stalwart of the horror genre, Daniel Cerny, who appeared in cheap movies, too ('Demonic Toys' and 'Children of the Corn III') but carried off his parts much better.
My Movie Rating:

800 balas (2002)
I've never seen this boy actor, Luis Castro, before and wasn't even aware the DVD I picked up in a poundshop starred him in it. At two hours long the film could have done with some editing but it was good to see another unknown (to me) boy actor doing his bit. A charming, comedy film from Spain with a good performance from Luis playing Carlos, the boy who has no father and adores his grandfather instead. I good takeoff of the spaghetti westerns.
My Movie Rating:

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
Another fine performance from Haley Joel Osment as David, the robot boy, worthy of an Oscar nomination. This kid is one of the truly Greats among cinema boy actors. I guess Spielberg wanted to make David 'different' by having Haley not blink at all. Must have been hard for the boy to manage I would've thought. The ending has not met with every reviewer's approval but I found it fitting and somewhat sad. One thing, I doubt if a passage of time amounting to 2,000 years would have been sufficient for all the climatic changes that happened to David while he was submerged beneath the sea watching the Blue Fairy - more like 10,000. Great film.
My Movie Rating:

About a Boy (2002)
I believe this film was Nicholas Hoult's acting debut. He plays the boy Marcus wonderfully, catching really well the boy's embarrassment at the goings on of his bohemian mother and the funny scene where he kills a duck with his mum's bread. The scene in the restaurant where Marcus's mother confronts Will (Hugh Grant) about her boy going to his flat all the time was ridiculous. What repurcussions was that going to have for a single man talking about such things in public instead of drawing him to one side? In the book, apparently, the confrontation took place at Will's front door.
My Movie Rating:

Accidents Happen (2009)
An unusual film in that the plot of a family prone to accidents runs parallel to comedy situations without causing problems for the audience. Harrison Gilbertson is great playing Billy Conway trying to come to terms with the loss of his sister in a car accident and his brother suffering brain damage. Two great scenes are where Billy and his friend put on ski masks and run naked through a supermarket and, where as a little boy, Billy witnesses the death of a neighbour on fire. You realise you shouldn't be laughing really but find you can't help it.
My Movie Rating:

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1985)
A sprawling adaptation for television with a fine performance from Patrick Day as Huckleberry. Patrick is the right age to play Huck appearing a little older than Tom Sawyer (Eugene Oakes). Also of note was good looking Jack Reidelberger as Buck Grangerford, a young tragedy of the family feud. At three and a half hours long this version is a feast of sheer indulgence for the boy film appreciator.
My Movie Rating:

The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996)
A pleasant version of the all time classic. I can't agree with 'Boymoviebuff' only giving it a 5 star rating because he couldn't see Jonathan Taylor Thomas's face. JTT looked like he needed to keep off the hamburgers and anyway I thought the puppet looked better. Some great scenes with lots of boys having supporting roles.
My Movie Rating:

Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl in 3-D (2005)
Good film with plenty of special effects and a charming Cayden Boyd. Taylor Lautner also looks good in his Sharkboy outfit.
My Movie Rating:

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938)
This is a typical 1930s film with its great opening showing Tommy Kelly swinging across the river and the pleasant music accompanying the titles. Kelly is excellent as wily Tom ably supported by David Holt as his crafty half brother, Sidney, and Jackie Moran as Huck. As nostalgic as they come, colourful and ably directed by Norman Trurog. A must for every collector of the Boy Film.
My Movie Rating:

Alexander (2004)
This is what I call a semi-boy movie. That is because the boy actor only appears at the beginning of the film usually playing the main character as a child. That is why I cannot award it any more than half the stars for Connor Paolo's wonderful performance as the young Alexander. Technical flaw: Boys wrestling in ancient Greece fought naked ... god forbid such things should be shown on a cinema screen. Did boys at that time attend school in white togas and sandals? Who knows? Great school uniform if they did. Connor had his hair dyed blond I think but looked most attractive on screen.
My Movie Rating:

All the Marbles (2017)
Cole Sand looks cute in his shorts and this film was quite an ambitious production. Good storyline though it would've been better if he had played against another equally cute boy.
My Movie Rating:

Aloud (2016)
It would seem this film needed more time to develop the characters and the story. It was sad but, after all, the boy still managed to get into the choir and Mr Stevens was still in charge so, perhaps, things can go further. Good acting from Jonah Beres.
My Movie Rating:

Les amitiés particulières (1964)
BOY ACTOR OSCAR RATING. This marvellous French film, despite the DVD I have being from a poor print, shines through as one of the greatest boy films ever. Not only does it deal with the controversial subject of boylove but provides a performance from Didier Haudepin, who plays the young Alexandre, worthy of an Oscar award. This French boy actor's playing of a flirtatious, attractive boy in a strict Catholic school is hugely impressive.

Antboy: Den Røde Furies hævn (2014)
I watched this film on YouTube but in French with no subtitles so I am not aware of the subtleties of the plot save to say that Oscar Dietz is rather cute with his rounded face and even cuter when he wears his ant mask. I see he is Danish ... well, that just makes it more interesting I guess.
My Movie Rating:

Apt Pupil (1998)
A great film from the pen of horror writer-in-chief, Stephen King. The acting laurels are equally shared by Ian McKellen and the wonderful late Brad Renfro. As I remember, the story had both characters bumping off a lot more winos and dossers than in the film! Of course, had I been Kurt Dussander, I would've been certainly telling Todd stories other than about the holocaust ... ;) With Ian McKellen being Gay I often wonder if that might just have been the case off set! I always thought Dussander was slow in not getting his own back when Todd made him dress up in a SS officer's uniform. Next time Todd came round he should've had a parcel for him to open containing a Hitler Youth uniform complete with tight black shorts in which Brad Renfro would've looked outstanding!
I thought the two actors acted off each other very well and made their characters all the more sinister in their own ways.
My Movie Rating:

Arabian Adventure (1979)
A pleasant story in, of course, typical Arabian style with an evil caliph, heroic prince, charming orphan boy and plenty of magic thrown in. Puneet Sira plays the young boy, Majeed, really well and together with Christopher Lee as the villain and Mickey Rooney as the laughable worker of the steam driven mechanical monsters it all adds up to a good rollicking plot. A delightful adventure film with an unknown Indian boy actor who doesn't even merit being credited on the DVD cover despite playing a major part! Unfortunately, no DVD extras.
My Movie Rating:

Arlington Road (1999)
I was surprised to see this film listed on BA as it's what I call a 'semi-boy film'. It is an edge-of-your-seat thriller with a twist ending where the baddies come out on tops! Of course, there has to be the usual car chase but this was a great film. I would've liked to see more of Spencer Treat Clark and Mason Gamble but never mind. I couldn't understand how Spencer who played the son took his kidnapping so lightly.
My Movie Rating:

The Awakening (2011)
Good acting from good looking Issac Hempstead Wright but leading lady (Rebecca Hall) rather spoiled things. She was supposed to be a level headed ghost doubter but ended up a silly nervous wreck once she got to the school. Issac is DEFINITELY the type of ghost I wouldn't mind haunting me.
My Movie Rating:

The Babadook (2014)
Great acting from the mother and, of course, Noah Wiseman. However, I've always been of the opinion that horror movies don't work so well if the house in question is in suburbia. In this case the mother always had neighbours next door or across the road. It works much better if the house is in the middle of nowhere.
My Movie Rating:

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