666: The Child
Country: USA
Genre: Horror
A couple adopts an orphan (Boo Boo Stewart). Bad things start happening. Think "The Omen" without the finesse.

- Boo Boo Stewart
(Donald) - Adam Vincent
(Scott Lawson) - Sarah Lieving
- Rodney Bowman
(Tony) - Nora Jesse
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Obviously made on a shoestring budget, this film lacked taut direction and the tenseness of other horror boy movies. Boo Boo Stewart reminded me of Blake Woodruff in 'Whisper' but this only emphasised the superiority of Woodruff. Boo Boo didn't even equal that other boy actor stalwart of the horror genre, Daniel Cerny, who appeared in cheap movies, too ('Demonic Toys' and 'Children of the Corn III') but carried off his parts much better.
My Movie Rating:

Except for BooBoo, I was NOT impressed with this movie, it's a cheep retelling of the Damien story, and as much as I like BooBoo Stewart, I dont think he fit the roll very well! He didn't have that mystic look about him that Jonathan Scott-Taylor had! JST should've recieved an academy award for his portrayal of Damien!
My Movie Rating:

Not very well made film. Pacing of the film drags. Story's been done before. An Asylum film.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 7th March 2012
Page Added: 18th November 2006
Page Views: 9457
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