Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl in 3-D
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
10-year-old Max is absorbed in his own fantasy world in an attempt to escape the everyday worries of parents and school bullies. Content to spend his time dreaming of adventures with his imaginary super-hero friends, Shark Boy and Lava Girl. Upon returning to school and reporting on what he did on his Summer vacation, Max tells of his exploits ? to the ridicule of his classmates.

- Cayden Boyd
(Max) - Taylor Lautner
(Shark Boy) - Taylor Dooley
(Lava Girl) - David Arquette
- Kristin Davis
- Jacob Davich
(Minus) - Sasha Pieterse
- George Lopez
- Marc Musso
(Classroom Bully) - Shane Graham
(Classroom Bully) - Tiger Darrow
(Classroom Kid) - Spencer Scott
(Playground Bully)
BoyActors Reviews
15 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I am a fan of cayden boyd but do not think it is one of his best movies
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Good film with plenty of special effects and a charming Cayden Boyd. Taylor Lautner also looks good in his Sharkboy outfit.
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Page Last Modified: 15th August 2020
Page Added: 26th May 2005
Page Views: 12179
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