Donald Haines
Date of Birth: 9th May 1919
Details of Death: 20th February 1943
Country of Birth: USA

- Getting Hitched (1926)
- Camping Out (1928)
- No Picnic (1928)
- No Sale Smitty (1928)
- Circus Time (1929)
- No Children (1929)
- No Vacation (1929)
- Puckered Success (1929)
- Tomato Omelette (1929)
- Uncle's Visit (1929)
- Watch My Smoke (1929)
- Los pequeños papas (1930)
- School's Out (1930) (as Donald)
- Shivering Shakespeare (1930) (as Donny)
- Teacher's Pet (1930) (as Don)
- The First Seven Years (1930)
- Bargain Day (1931)
- Big Ears (1931)
- Helping Grandma (1931)
- Hot Wires (1931)
- Little Daddy (1931)
- Love Business (1931) (as Speck)
- Mickey's Helping Hand (1931)
- Mickey's Sideline (1931)
- Skippy (1931) (as Halrey Nubbins)
- The Christmas Party (1931)
- Birthday Blues (1932)
- Choo-Choo! (1932)
- Free Eats (1932)
- Lad an' a Lamp, A (1932) (as Toughie)
- Mickey's Big Business (1932)
- Mickey's Golden Rule (1932)
- Mickey's Holiday (1932)
- Mickey's Travels (1932)
- Readin' and Writin' (1932)
- When a Fellow Needs a Friend (1932) (as Fatty Bullen)
- Fish Hooky (1933)
- Flirting in the Park (1933)
- I'll Fix It (1934)
- Kid Millions (1934)
- Little Man, What Now? (1934)
- Manhattan Melodrama (1934)
- Murder in the Private Car (1934)
- Music in the Air (1934)
- No Greater Glory (1934) (as Csonakos)
- Now I'll Tell (1934)
- Peck's Bad Boy (1934)
- Radio Dough (1934)
- Radio Scout (1934)
- A Tale of Two Cities (1935)
- Annie Oakley (1935)
- Ginger (1935) (as Butch)
- His Night Out (1935)
- Straight from the Heart (1935)
- The Nitwits (1935)
- The Winning Ticket (1935)
- Vagabond Lady (1935)
Roles when Donald Haines was older than 15
- Boys Town (1938)
- The Little Rascals (1955) (as Donald 1930-1933)
Page Last Modified: 3rd March 2024
Page Added: 17th September 2021
Page Views: 2492
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