Bobby Hutchins
Date of Birth: 29th March 1925
Details of Death: 17th May 1945 (airplane crash)
Country of Birth: USA
- Best known for his role as Wheezer in the "Our Gang" series.

- Assistant Wives (1927)
- Baby Brother (1927) (as Wheezer)
- Chicken Feed (1927)
- Dog Heaven (1927)
- Heebee Jeebees (1927)
- Lighter That Failed, The (1927)
- Old Wallop, The (1927)
- Olympic Games (1927) (as Wheezer)
- Barnum & Ringling, Inc. (1928)
- Crazy House (1928)
- Edison, Marconi & Co. (1928)
- Fair and Muddy (1928)
- Growing Pains (1928)
- Old Gray Hoss (1928)
- Playin' Hookey (1928)
- Rainy Days (1928)
- School Begins (1928)
- Smile Wins, The (1928)
- Spanking Age, The (1928)
- Spook Spoofing (1928)
- Bouncing Babies (1929)
- Boxing Gloves (1929)
- Cat, Dog & Co. (1929)
- Election Day (1929)
- Fast Freight (1929)
- Holy Terror, The (1929)
- Lazy Days (1929)
- Little Mother (1929)
- Moan & Groan, Inc. (1929)
- Noisy Noises (1929)
- Railroadin' (1929)
- Saturday's Lesson (1929)
- Small Talk (1929)
- Wiggle Your Ears (1929)
- Bear Shooters (1930)
- First Seven Years, The (1930)
- Pups Is Pups (1930)
- School's Out (1930) (as Wheezer)
- Shivering Shakespeare (1930) (as Wheezer)
- Teacher's Pet (1930) (as Wheezer)
- Tough Winter, A (1930)
- When the Wind Blows (1930)
- Bargain Days (1931)
- Big Ears (1931)
- Dogs Is Dogs (1931)
- Fly My Kite (1931) (as Wheezer)
- Helping Grandma (1931)
- Little Daddy (1931)
- Love Business (1931) (as Wheezer)
- Shiver My Timbers (1931)
- Slippery Pearls, The (1931)
- Choo-Choo! (1932)
- Exposed (1932)
- Free Eats (1932)
- Lad an' a Lamp, A (1932) (as Wheezer)
- Pooch, The (1932)
- Readin' and Writin' (1932)
- Spanky (1932)
- Fish Hooky (1933)
- Forgotten Babies (1933)
- The Kid from Borneo (1933) (as Wheezer)
- Mush and Milk (1933) (as Wheezer)
- Pie for Two (1933)
Roles when Bobby Hutchins was older than 15
- The Little Rascals (1955) (as Wheezer 1927-1933)
Page Last Modified: 3rd March 2024
Page Added: 28th March 2003
Page Views: 9425
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