No Greater Glory
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Frail Nemecsek, a lonely boy who yearns to belong, worships Boka, the self-sufficent, charismatic leader of a well-organized gang, decked out in uniforms and sporting their own flag. The perennial outsider sees his chance to win a respected place in Butler's army when their flag is stolen and war breaks out with another gang.

- George Breakston
(Nemecsek) - Jimmy Butler
(Boka) - Jackie Searl
(Gereb) - Frankie Darro [ALUMNUS]
- Donald Haines
(Csonakos) - Rolf Ernest
- Julius Molnar
- Wesley Giraud
(Kolnay) - Beaudine Anderson
(Csele) - Bruce Line
(Richter) - Lois Wilson
- Douglas Greer
(Boy) - Basil Bookasta
(Red Shirt Member) - Eddie Buzard
(Paul Street Boy) - Arthur Stephens
(Paul Street Boy)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 31st July 2021
Page Added: 31st December 2010
Page Views: 6533
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