Reviews by Kabouter
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71 reviews/ratings - 4 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)
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Alfons Zitterbacke (1966)
My Movie Rating:

Anche libero va bene (2006)
It held my attention throughout and Alessandro's performance was spellbinding

Auf Augenhöhe (2016)
Gorgeous movie and Luis Vorbach is stunning in the main role.

L'Avion (2005)
I loved this movie. It was unpretensious and well made. Romeo acted well.
My Movie Rating:

Badkonake sefid (1995)
My Movie Rating:

Ballo a tre passi (2003)
My Movie Rating:

Bibi chelchele (1986)
a refreshingly charming movie from 1980's Iran which deals with the mutual needs of a lonely man and an unwanted boy
My Movie Rating:

Big (1988)
Brilliant performance by Dachi Orvelashvili
My Movie Rating:

The Book of Henry (2017)
In the first half of this movie I thought Jacob Tremblay's role was minimal while Jaeden had the main part but this changed. Jacob was as usual superb although I thought other aspects of the film were a little weak ie the abuse sub plot. Still a movie to watch.
My Movie Rating:

Box 27 (2016)
A film about the love two people have for one another and how it enables and empowers them despite adversity.

Boy (2010)
A colourful and entertaining movie.

Brammetje Baas (2012)
an excellent dutch film about the interaction between a gifted boy and his teachers.

Cápsulas (2011)
Gorgeous Movie. And the use of Puccini's "Belle di Vedremo" was apt and brought me to tears.

Cartouches gauloises (2007)
Colourful and enchanting.

Child Eater (2016)
My Movie Rating:

Cilveka berns (1991)
My Movie Rating:

Cowboy Angels (2006)
The ought to be a sub genre in coming of age movies where the boy and man bond. This is one of those movies. I loved it.
My Movie Rating:

Down Down The Deep River (2014)
My Movie Rating:

Dyskoloi apohairetismoi: O babas mou (2002)
what an amazing performance by Yorgos Karayannis.

En Som Hodder (2003)
totally charming

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