Reviews by Zenby
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44 reviews/ratings - 3 pages (20 reviews/ratings per page)

10½ (2010)
My Movie Rating:

Akademia pana Kleksa (1984)
Really good story plot. Kind of story some kids would love to be in. Like where you can become the story not telling one.

Les amitiés particulières (1964)

O Ano em Que Meus Pais Saíram de Férias (2006)

August Rush (2007)

Becoming Redwood (2012)
My Movie Rating:

Big (1988)

Blank Check (1994)
Love this movie a lot. Makes you wish something like this would happen for real would be awesome. Great acting by Brian and T.L another one of my faves.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)
Excellent acting by Asa I'd give it 100/100 if I could very powerful movie.

Children of the Corn (2009)
My Movie Rating:

Cudowne dziecko (1987)

Du er ikke alene (1978)
My Movie Rating:

Ender's Game (2013)
My Movie Rating:

Fais-moi des vacances (2002)
My Movie Rating:

Fatty Finn (1980)
Great movie like a sillier version of little rascals. Good for all ages

The Goonies (1985)
Great Movie alot of famous cameos in this if you don't know who they are. Loved every minute of it can't get enough. Goonie 4 Life. Deserves a 10+ rating.

Goreshto pladne (1965)
Really great movie it shows what people will do back in the old days that we have lost in the present. It's great to see a whole town and others come together to free this kid from his situation. The boy actors were phenomenal and did their job wonderfully.

De Groeten van Mike! (2012)

Holes (2003)
My Movie Rating:

Home Improvement (1991-1999)
Great show but got to the point I wanted to see less of JTT. When every freakin girl in my class wanted a website or fan site made dedicated to him lol. They nearly killed me was averaging 2-3 a day hard to at a library lol.
My Movie Rating:

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