Fais-moi des vacances
AKA: We Need a Vacation
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Adama and Lucien, have to spend the whole summer in their rough neighbourhood. Everyone they know seems to be going on holiday so they decide to head for the sun on their own. First they try to get themselves sent to Africa by saying they want to meet their parents there. Then they join in a small robbery in a shopping mall, sneak into a neighbour?s caravan, and even find themselves in a nudist camp. A kind lady takes them into her home so that they can keep her son company.

- Aymen Saidi
(Lucien) - Ibrahim Koma
(Adama) - Nabil El Bouhairi
- Thomas Pitiot
- Hiam Abbass
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Page Last Modified: 26th April 2022
Page Added: 6th September 2002
Page Views: 11074
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