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AKA: You Are Not Alone
Country: Denmark
Genre: Romance
Kim and Bo are young lovers and the film explores their love with equally beautiful moments shared on screen. The other boys both support the main story of Bo and Kim as well as expand into their own stories which also include the headmaster of the school all of them attend. One of the few movies produced which explores early-teen same-sex infatuation. The subject is dealt with non-exploitatively.

- Peter Bjerg
(Kim) - Anders Agensø [ALUMNUS]
- Ove Sprogøe
- Elin Reimer
- Jan Jørgensen
- Aske Jacoby
(Aske) - Janek Lesniak
BoyActors Reviews
29 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Really lovely and pure, realistic scenes that will remind you your transition from child to teenager. I was also blown away by the love between the two boys. It's for sure a rewatch!

This movie was awesome and so was Peter Bjerg playing Kim. If possible I will definitely watch this movie several times. There were many excellent scenes throughout this movie but it was the presentation at the end with that beautiful song that was the icing on the cake.

A beautiful film in reality....love the boys

Page Last Modified: 17th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 49893
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