Reviews by MikeZ
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9 reviews/ratings

Daniel Boone (1964-1970)
Great series; one of my favorites at the time. Always good action, and usually was very interesting. Darby Hinton was perfect for the part of Daniel's son.

Explorers (1985)
What a great movie!! First roles for many young actors, most of whom went on to have great careers. A happy movie, full of action.

Jeux interdits (1952)
Excellent movie! It will grab you by your heart, and make you want to jump into the screen, and comfort these beautiful children. A masterpiece!

The Kissing Place (1990)

Pit Pony (1999-2000)
Great 30 minute series from Canada. Very interesting plots each week, and a very hansome young lead. Hopefully, he will appear soon in some more work!

Stand by Me (1986)
Possibly one of the best movies ever made!

Top Dog (1995)
A fun little movie, probably most appreciated by fans of EVD.
My Movie Rating:

The Toy (1982)

You Can't Do That on Television (1979-1990)
Love it! Living for the day they bring it out on DVD! I don't know, I think I will have some water.

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