Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
Ben Crandall, an alien-obsessed kid, dreams one night of a circuit board. Drawing out the circuit, he and his friends Wolfgang and Darren set it up, and discover they have been given the basis for a starship. Setting off in the ThunderRoad, as they name their ship, they find the aliens Ben hopes they would find... but are they what they seem?

- River Phoenix
(Wolfgang Müller) - Ethan Hawke
(Ben Crandall) - Jason Presson
(Darren Woods) - Taliesin Jaffe
(Ludwig Müller) - Bobby Fite
(Steve Jackson) - Bradley Gregg
- Amanda Peterson
- Danny Nucci
- John P. Navin Jr. [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
21 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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This was a fun movie, though I kept waiting for more follow through on plot points that were set up and then dropped. Did the sheriff just decide to keep quiet abut the fact he saw a boy run away from home and fly away in a junkyard rocket ship? Did the boys' parents ever find out that their children had been sneaking out for several nights in a row and eventually left the planet, only to return home soaking wet? Wasn't anyone concerned about all the property damage that the little glowing orb caused throughout the neighborhood?
My favorite part is when Darren brings the beer to share as they devise a name for the ship. I kept waiting for there to be some kind of moralizing, but it was just nonchalantly accepted. Maybe that's the real reason that first trip doesn't go as smoothly as planned!
My Movie Rating:

Jason Presson shows some talent; wonder why he didn't appear in more films?
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Page Last Modified: 18th July 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 12608
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