Nicostratos le pélican
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Yannis is a 14 year old boy who lives an isolated life with his dad on a small Greek island. After the death of his mother, two of them didn't talk much. One day, Yannis finds a young pelican and decides to take it home. His friendship with the pelican and meeting an impulsive 15 year old girl, will mark a change in his life that will eventually lead to reconciliation with his father.
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- Emir Kusturica
- Thibault Le Guellec
(Yannis) - François-Xavier Demaison
- Jade-Rose Parker
- Gennadios Patsis
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Page Last Modified: 25th March 2022
Page Added: 12th August 2017
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The cinematography is first rate and enchanting and Thibault (although himself french) plays the part of a greek island boy with sensuous grace and talent.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10