AKA: El Niño y El Lobo
Country: Spain
Genre: Drama
Based on the 13th Century legend of Cotolay on the founding of the Convent of San Francisco of Santiago, during the expansion of Christianity in Spain. Three friars: Francisco de Assisi, Juan of Florence, and Bernardo de Quintavalle, receive a divine revelation to build a church while praying before the tomb of the Apostle in 1214. They will count on the aid of a nearby poor family and a boy named Cotolay, whose cleverness and kindness will be decisive to carrying out their plan.
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An interesting curiosity elevated by Didier Haudepin.
My Movie Rating:

A great film with the super talented Didier Haudepin.

I ordered the DVD from Amazon, hoping there would be subtitling. There wasn't. Too much religion spoils this film and the quality of the images is very poor. The purchase was justifiable only because of Didier's involvement.
My Movie Rating:

Whaaaat, no reviews of this movie having as it does the splendiferous talents of His French Cinematic Highness, Didier Haudepin no less?
Well, I was at a disadvantage for a start being that my knowledge of Spanish was zilch and no subtitles were provided. I just had to try and pick up on the plot as the film went along. Didier was his usual charming self as the kind, happy Cotolay. The friars certainly took a liking to him ... ! Unfortunately Didier, wonderful boy actor though he is, couldn't lift this film from the dregs surrounded as he was by adult actors of the strictly wooden variety. Didier, just striking puberty, looked great in his tunic and short skirt.
One off-putting note was the possibility that Didier's voice was dubbed and possibly by a girl!
I award the film one star but Didier makes up for the other five!
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Page Last Modified: 16th December 2012
Page Added: 11th July 2001
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A decent film, based on a local Spanish Christian legend, though not particularly memorable in any element apart from the appearance of the wonderful Didier Haudepin
My Movie Rating: