Mission Top Secret
TV Series
Country: Australia
Genre: Drama
A farm just outside of Sydney on the outside looked normal, but hidden within is the control center for network Centauri. All over the world Centauri agents (all kids) have computer notebooks which linked them to the network. Together, they could solve crimes.
- 1992, 24 half hour episodes.
- 1995, 24 half hour episodes.

- Andrew Shephard
(Albert Wiggins 1992) - Rossi Kotsis
(Spike Baxter) - Jamie Croft
(David Fowler 1995) - Shane Briant
- Emma Jane Fowler
- Frederick Parslow
- Christopher Montel
(Pierre) - Yugo Mito
(Hoshi) - James Findlay
(Danny) - Guido Zarncke
(Olli) - Marek Zeranski
(Jan 1992)
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Page Last Modified: 14th September 2021
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 11150
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Better than average kids series shot on location around the world.
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