Tim Considine
Date of Birth: 31st December 1940
Details of Death: 3rd March 2022
Country of Birth: USA

- The Clown (1953) (as Dink Delwyn)
- Executive Suite (1954)
- Her Twelve Men (1954) (as Richard Y. Oliver, Jr.)
- The Adventures of Spin and Marty (1955) (as Spin Evans)
- The Mickey Mouse Club (1955-1958) (as Spin Evans)
- The Private War of Major Benson (1955) (as Cadet Lt. Gerald Hibler)
- Unchained (1955)
Roles when Tim Considine was older than 15
- The Shaggy Dog (1959)
- My Three Sons (1960-1972)
- The New Adventures of Spin and Marty: Suspect Behavior (2000)
- Monster Makers (2003)
Page Last Modified: 29th April 2022
Page Added: 21st February 2003
Page Views: 13209
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