The Clown
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Once a famous Ziegfeld star, Dodo Delwyn (Red Skelton), is reduced to playing clowns in burlesque and amusement parks as a result of his drinking. His son Little Dink (Tim Considine) idolizes Dodo and faithfully believes in a comeback. He persuades "Uncle" Goldie, Dodo's agent in the good old days, to find a booking for Dodo. He can't, and Dink is sent to live with his remarried-and-wealthy mother, Paula. The unhappy Dink runs back to his father. His welcome return gives Dodo the courage needed to try a knockabout TV show offered by Goldie.
- Story is a reworking of The Champ (1931)
- Red Skelton
- Tim Considine
(Dink Delwyn) - Jane Greer
- Loring Smith
- Philip Ober
- Lou Lubin
- Mickey Little
(Lefty) - Danny Richards Jr.
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (7.00 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Tim Considine was great in this film.
My Movie Rating: 7 / 10I watched Red Skelton on tv when I was barely out of diapers, he had a varity show every tuesday night on NBC if memory serves, and I've seen all of his movies! this one was one of his best, the funniest scene was Dodo's tv show, the skit called Topsy Tervey! I laugh my @ss off every time I see it! Tim Constidine was adorable!
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 26th December 2021
Page Added: 6th June 2003
Page Views: 5147
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