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Reviews by 2ThumbsUp

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6 reviews/ratings

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The Champ (1979)

Heart and Soul relating... What life created man and boy to do together... support and care about each other... for as long as you can, as much as you can. Ricky was heart-wrenchingly devoted to his Dad, and BELONGED with him. Was it really better for the boy to return to a mother who had left both his dad and him earlier, just because of the financially better circumstances? Money is indeed important, and all the education you need to earn it, but if you don't have the love you had with your Dad (or 2nd fathers everywhere who genuinely care about you and your development as a boy) how could it be worth it to leave for money?... Such a sad, poignant and telling Ending. Yet, probably the most intense moment of the movie is when Dad (John Voight) actually makes Ricky think he doesn't love him any more so he will leave and go with his Mother, then, after he leaves, heartbroken that the Champ can say he doesn't love him any more, his dad, trying to help the son he loves more than anything else in the world by sending him away, punches the cement wall with such force we instinctively recoil sensing the physical pain that can only begin to express the emotional pain it took to pull off such a LIE!

Must Watch My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 10 / 10
Dividing Bar

Dry Rain (2008)

Nathan is so natural you don't even have to think of this performance as a "movie" (short as it is). If it looks familiar, realize that it tells the story of so many men and boys today... Like Dry Rain that can't come down because the environment is not acceptable... neither Man nor boy knew how to relate to each other as would have been natural for them in other environments. In this one BOTH are looking to the woman... Father to his wife, and boy to his Mom TO GET PERMISSION... to relate. Neither one seems to ever have learned how to just be themselves without a woman telling them what they can and can't do! The longer this goes on guys, the less we will remember what being male is really all about!

Must Watch My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 9 / 10
Dividing Bar

Évolution (2015)

Dear BA Friends: Please watch this movie again... this time as a stark analogy to the effect of Radical Feminism on males of all ages today.... “Evolution” (read deceived Male’s Devolution) is a story set in a mythical seaside scenario, but reflective of the reality going on in our own social media and world today... When boys are raised without genuine older male connection and given rules for life by females who should be helping the boy receive older male bondings to take over from her mother bond, she is actively defining his body and himself out of his own control, (ala the real Bully then 12 year old Ronan Parke’s song DEFINED may have originally been referring to) she is actively turning boys’ connective male emotions into girls’ “protective” ones instead. Feeding him a diet of tasteless behavioral expectations, symbolized by the algae like green goo spaghetti she keeps feeding him (Ala Oliver’s “gruel” to prevent his having any real strength or male will of his own) or calling his Male self and feelings “sick,” continually medicating and brainwashing him to entrance him into her agenda for him instead of his own male nature, in the name of “care” results in boys who think females know best all the way to the graveyard, and even thanking them for taking their male experience of life away, as if it could only be a danger apart from her invasively “loving” claims of “protection!” Thank you Ma’am, please sterilize me out of my own genuine male experience of life, some more (Ala Tom Brown’s School Days conditioning!) How can older males bond with boys to give them genuine older male support, when females determine the meanings and definitions of all male behavior against his own male nature to serving her own like some sort of Queen Bee? Yet, as Dr. Warren Farrell explains in his male affirming books... “Women can’t hear what men don’t say.” If we really care about boys, we have to stand up to tell Feminists and boys that Male Eros is NOT “sickness,” nor “displaced sex (mating)” and only “criminal” when given no choice (like female activists are actively doing to us right now). Let us feed boys genuine bonding shared interest, and rescue them from the mother bond gone wild, as feminists are busy putting into law everywhere today... Entrancing us out of ourselves as she impregnates us with expectations to serve her and force us to give birth to her agenda plans in that process and mentality, unbeknowst to many males at all...

Must Watch My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 9 / 10
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Gummi-Tarzan (1981)

I agree with Diogenes that it's in every boy to succeed, all Ivan needed was an older male to recognize, believe in, and support his individual value for him to rise to the occasion. In this movie a seeming outsider, a machine operator, proved to be no outsider but the best friend the boy had! Ivan had to face a negative environment he didn't deserve, but, in an example to us all, managed to overcome it without becoming negative himself! Quite an accomplishment!

My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 8 / 10
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Problem Child (1990)

I liked this movie much more for what it had to say about the need boys have for genuine older male love, than the actual (if comical)way he tried to "get even" with those who didn't respect him. Michael Oliver DID play that part very well! In some ways that movie went too far, (I think the criminal contact was to show what a problem child can turn into, more than any approval of the type) but the main message came through over and over... DAD, what are you doing looking for another woman so much! Look at ME... Give me some time too We can have a Great time together... and I really won't feel the need to be a "problem child"... Unfortunately, most older guys have never had enough boy contact to know how to relate with boys for who they are as real people, themselves! (Ala "Dry Rain")

My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 8 / 10
Dividing Bar

Saint Ralph (2004)

Saint Ralph, played so well by Adam Butcher, and written and directed by Mike McGowan...

Helps us give new definition to the term “Saint!” ...

Not a person who is rewarded for revering dogma for its own sake, even to the exclusion of real life concerns, but any person who endures hardships through thick and thin for genuinely sincere and honest intents and purposes...

To me, it was just as much a success for Ralph to come in just behind first, in second place, as if he had won the Boston Marathon as a 9th grader, outright!

Yes, even though he thought that since he heard it would take a miracle to save his Mom, and also heard that it would be a miracle if he won the race, that it would automatically be the miracle prescription to re-waking his Mom from a coma, as motivation, but It seems as though she did wake up, not too long after his taking second, as well... Maybe proof that working on achieving a miracle to your heart's expression depth is pretty much a miracle in itself!

Of course the beauty of working on a goal as hard as Ralph did, is that you get so much closer to where you really want to get, even if you don’t make it all the way there on the first try! I love the natural way Adam Butcher lived as Ralph Walker... An genuinely boyish 14 year old boy being his own heartfelt humane self. And I love the last frame of the movie which superimposes the boy’s image into the stained glass window image of a saint, together with the saints of the past, as a statement of well deserved “sainthood!” for modern definition and recognition, complete with halo!.

I also want to say, that this movie also manages to insert the question as to why the entire idea that our natural male feelings should be something to always hide and be ashamed of (unless we are involved in reproductive marital commitment). Such an attitude looks like old thinking that needs to be questioned and no longer assumed. And, as such, is something we need to help society understand was not our original thinking as a human family, any more than Ralph’s, until about 1700 years ago, and something we need to rethink, as males, for all males,... especially in a time when females are rethinking everything we used to accept about women in this society! It’s time, my friends, to stand up for our MALE rights and our own MALE feelings, TOO... even if it seems it will take a miracle to actually help society see just how we can do so to improve our attitudes towards life and each other, not defame them!

Must Watch My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 10 / 10
Dividing Bar
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