The narrative unfolds on an island populated solely by adult women and young boys. As the boys are subjected to bizarre medical procedures, it becomes clear that the women are hiding something - and one boy is determined to find out what's really going on.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Max Brebant
(Nicolas) - Mathieu Goldfeld
(Victor) - Nissim Renard
(Franck) - Pablo-Noé Etienne
- Roxane Duran
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Somewhat of a weird sci-fi but it was OK. I liked it.

A fascinating, multi-layered film, very eerie, with some stunning underwater cinematography. The more I view this film, the more I love it.

Very interesting film. Very atmospheric
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 29th July 2023
Page Added: 27th October 2016
Page Views: 8915
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Dear BA Friends: Please watch this movie again... this time as a stark analogy to the effect of Radical Feminism on males of all ages today.... “Evolution” (read deceived Male’s Devolution) is a story set in a mythical seaside scenario, but reflective of the reality going on in our own social media and world today... When boys are raised without genuine older male connection and given rules for life by females who should be helping the boy receive older male bondings to take over from her mother bond, she is actively defining his body and himself out of his own control, (ala the real Bully then 12 year old Ronan Parke’s song DEFINED may have originally been referring to) she is actively turning boys’ connective male emotions into girls’ “protective” ones instead. Feeding him a diet of tasteless behavioral expectations, symbolized by the algae like green goo spaghetti she keeps feeding him (Ala Oliver’s “gruel” to prevent his having any real strength or male will of his own) or calling his Male self and feelings “sick,” continually medicating and brainwashing him to entrance him into her agenda for him instead of his own male nature, in the name of “care” results in boys who think females know best all the way to the graveyard, and even thanking them for taking their male experience of life away, as if it could only be a danger apart from her invasively “loving” claims of “protection!” Thank you Ma’am, please sterilize me out of my own genuine male experience of life, some more (Ala Tom Brown’s School Days conditioning!) How can older males bond with boys to give them genuine older male support, when females determine the meanings and definitions of all male behavior against his own male nature to serving her own like some sort of Queen Bee? Yet, as Dr. Warren Farrell explains in his male affirming books... “Women can’t hear what men don’t say.” If we really care about boys, we have to stand up to tell Feminists and boys that Male Eros is NOT “sickness,” nor “displaced sex (mating)” and only “criminal” when given no choice (like female activists are actively doing to us right now). Let us feed boys genuine bonding shared interest, and rescue them from the mother bond gone wild, as feminists are busy putting into law everywhere today... Entrancing us out of ourselves as she impregnates us with expectations to serve her and force us to give birth to her agenda plans in that process and mentality, unbeknowst to many males at all...