The Black Phone
Country: USA
Genre: Horror
After being abducted by a child killer and locked in a soundproof basement, a 13-year-old boy starts receiving calls on a disconnected phone from the killer's previous victims.
- Mason Thames
(Finney) - Madeleine McGraw
- Ethan Hawke [ALUMNUS]
- Jeremy Davies
- E. Roger Mitchell
- Spencer Fitzgerald
(Buzz) - Banks Repeta
(Griffin) - Brady Hepner
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Page Last Modified: 28th October 2022
Page Added: 28th October 2022
Page Views: 1543
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This film was a good idea but any horror was rather diluted. I got the feeling 'The Black Phone' was meant for a teenage audience munching on their popcorn. Mason Thames looks good but his acting was flat considering the circumstances he was in after being grabbed by the 'Grabber'. Kidnapped off a street and ending up in a bleak basement prison would've had the average teen screaming his socks off but not from 13 year old Finney. Why the Grabber was kidnapping only teenage boys and the purpose of that was never explained. Then the Grabber has a brother who lives in the house with him and two houses to further complicate the plot. Then the supernatural was brought in which can add or detract from a plot and this detracted. The Grabber for all his menacing psycho nut character and evil mask was fairly easily disposed of in the end.
The intention of the film was good and, properly handled, could have had the audience biting their knuckles but from a horror point of view it was a damp squib.
My Movie Rating: 5 / 10