Schlafes Bruder
AKA: Brother of Sleep
Country: Germany
Genre: Drama
In the early 19th century, Elias grows up in a small village in the Austrian mountains. He is considered strange by the other villagers. He discovers his love of music after experiencing an "acoustic wonder". Later, he falls in love with Elsbeth, but she marries someone else. He then decides to end his life by not sleeping anymore.
- Germany's entry for 1996 foreign language Oscar

- André Eisermann
- Dana Vávrová
- Ben Becker
- Conradin Blum
(Elias As A Child) - Robert Studer
(Fritz As A Child) - Florian Wostry
(Lukas As A Child) - Peter Füchsl
(Paul As A Child) - Ralph Sauerwein
(Albert As A Child) - Daniel Lins
(Peter As A Child)
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Page Last Modified: 10th October 2012
Page Added: 14th December 2001
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